I thought I had everything, but forgot about the cooler.
The motherboard is a beast. It's heavy!
NGL, I'm a little intimidated. I've built computers before, but none as expensive as this one. I will wear an ESD wrist strap while assembling.
To enable friends and family to keep up with what I'm doing, offer my own insights on life, and tell a funny story once in awhile.
I thought I had everything, but forgot about the cooler.
The motherboard is a beast. It's heavy!
NGL, I'm a little intimidated. I've built computers before, but none as expensive as this one. I will wear an ESD wrist strap while assembling.
Got the last couple of parts in just now.
Side note, the SCOTUS made the correct decision on Moore v. Harper. In a 6–3 decision, the Court ruled that the Elections Clause does not
give state legislatures full control of federal elections, affirming the
North Carolina Supreme Court's original decision and rejecting the Independent State Legislature theory. This is good news for democracy.
You can see the build at PCPartPicker.
I had a target budget of $5,000. That's based on the cost of an Apple II+ floppy disk drive, in 1981. I know this because I helped the science teacher, Mr. Norman Dria assemble the computer after school, and I got to see the invoice. He had received a grant for $25,000, with which he bought the latest in home computers, the Apple II+, along with a pair of 5-1/4" floppy disk drives, a color monitor (15 colors!), and extra RAM to bring the total to 48k. Yes, that's right "k". A WHOPPING 49,152 bytes. If good old Mr. Dria could spend 25k on a computer back then, I could afford 5k now. After all, I won't be buying a Tesla for my birthday. After seeing what an idiot Elon Musk is, and how badly he wants to own the libs, why would I give him my money?
In case you're wondering what a 5-1/4" floppy disk drive from 1981 looks like....