Saturday, July 26, 2008

Big, Way Cool News!!

I read on /. today, that NASA has released it's image library to the public!!! That's like, the first time I played Everquest cool!

I went to the page on Earth, and saw images 1 to 50, of TWO THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED NINETY-SEVEN!!

I've had the Hubble Site bookmarked for awhile, but now with this collection of images, I'm set for geeky wallpapers for life!

Good bye Scarlett... I'm going to miss you!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Morning at the park

Yesterday morning, we took Katie down to the park for some fun. We started off with some pastries and chocomilk, for energy!

Katie loves tromping around in the mud, smelling everything, and, believe it or not, swimming. She's trying to build up the courage to dive in. Or she smells raccoon crap. I'm not sure which.

I like starting my day early. The mist hadn't yet burned off the valley. It was still nice and cool, but there were lots of mosquitoes out.

Tina has been raiding my attic for shirts and shorts. She looks better in my old Singapore shirt than I ever did!

Of course, I had to follow the path less taken...

Katers had a great time being a dog. I don't think Ellen would have approved of this when she was alive, but, God bless her, I'm sure she's looking down and smiling.