Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Just Missing a Few More Parts

 I'm waiting on a keyboard and mouse, but I can start building now.

You can see the build at PCPartPicker.

I had a target budget of $5,000.  That's based on the cost of an Apple II+ floppy disk drive, in 1981.  I know this because I helped the science teacher, Mr. Norman Dria assemble the computer after school, and I got to see the invoice.  He had received a grant for $25,000, with which he bought the latest in home computers, the Apple II+, along with a pair of 5-1/4" floppy disk drives, a color monitor (15 colors!), and extra RAM to bring the total to 48k.  Yes, that's right "k".  A WHOPPING 49,152 bytes.  If good old Mr. Dria could spend 25k on a computer back then, I could afford 5k now.  After all, I won't be buying a Tesla for my birthday.  After seeing what an idiot Elon Musk is, and how badly he wants to own the libs, why would I give him my money?

In case you're wondering what a 5-1/4" floppy disk drive from 1981 looks like....

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