Friday, March 20, 2009

Network problem not-so-solved!

My network problem being "solved" was more luck than skill. In fact, it isn't really, properly solved. I'm still not sure, but it seems that while I was fiddling about with the inner networkings, I caused a kernel fault that subsequently allowed me to connect to the Internet. I've been able to duplicate this fault enough times to upgrade the system, and download the Install CD's via BitTorrent. I'm still trying to figure out the actual problem, and it's solution.

In the meantime, I'm having lots of fun poking around the new OS. It really rocks! I've got a weather report that updates every 15 minutes right on my top Panel. There's an applet that will chart stocks. Right now, I'm downloading the Open Source files to play DOOM! DOOM, man! Fucking DOOM!!!! That's just so cool, that if you don't know what I'm talking about, you don't know what you missed about 16 years ago.

Upgrading to Fedora 10 is a combination of Retro and Neo that's awe-inspiring. New stuff: It's got a built-in firewall and SeLinux for security. I can encrypt my HD. Firefox has a plethora of new features, and I've only been playing with this for a couple of hours. Yet, I can still read the comforting words of Wanda the Fish telling me that "Today is Prickle-Prickle, the 6th day of Discord in the YOLD 3175." It brings back memories of all-nighters trying to get the damn 386 motherboard to run Slackware 1.9, and the first time Jim and I wired our two computers together via the serial port and looked at each other on our respective screens, a second before he shot me dead.

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