Friday, June 06, 2008

Last week on the bridge ornamental lighting job

This has been a very enjoyable job, but all jobs come to an end. At least we saved the best for last! Some of the light fixtures for the Center Street bridge are located under the Veteran's Memorial Bridge (on the left, in the picture), and shine downwards. Access is under the vehicle bridge, via the out-of-service trolly-car level.

The light fixtures are a bit hard to reach...

A view from my perch: Oooo, pretty girl jogging! (Who else is making the Steve Austin dut dut dut dut dut bionic eye zoom sound in their heads?)

This is the reason we have a swing bridge! Another freighter being hauled upstream by a tugboat.

Peeps is instructing me to move the fixture a bit to my right... He and Johnny O were the Wonder Twins that day. I wonder if they call each other up to be sure to match shirts...

Just another day on the job. And to think that I get paid to have this much fun!

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