Sunday, August 20, 2006

Counting Blessings

I read an article in the recent issue of Money Magazine regarding money and happiness. While having more money does bring more happiness, it's only up to a point, right around $50,000 annually. The article also explains how buying things, such as a new car, only provides happiness for a short time. Then it offers some suggestions on how to increase your happiness without increasing your paycheck.

One of their suggestions is to count your blessings once a week, so I'd like to take some time each Sunday morning, before I get started on whatever I've planned for the day, and count my blessings for the week.

First, and foremost, I'm thankful that my sister and her husband, both doing second tours in Iraq, are safe and sound.

I'm thankful for having good friends to talk about frustrations (like last week's speeding ticket), which diminishes my anger. I also enjoy hearing of the success my friends are enjoying in their home, or work lives, and I listen to their frustrations.

I really enjoy my job. I feel that I've got one of the best jobs, and I work for the best electrical contractor in Cleveland. As a union electrician, I make a fair wage, so my basic needs are met, and I have some money left over for a few beers with the boys after work, or to buy a couple of DVD's once in awhile. As a craftsman, I take great pride in my work, and every day I drive to work, I see buildings that I helped to build.

I've got really good neighbors. They are kind, and generous people.

My foreman let's me do my job the best I can, and he listens to my ideas, choosing the good ones, and explaining why the bad ones won't work, but not in a degrading manner.

There's more that I'm thankful for, but this is the first Sunday of doing this, so I could be here all day typing.

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